About Us

Origins IP is a Canadian trademark firm, jointly working with a local Canadian patent firm.

About Us

Origins IP is a Canadian trademark firm, jointly working with a local Canadian patent firm, to offer a range of trademark, domain, patent and industrial design related services to a broad spectrum of clients, which includes local entrepreneurs, national businesses, multinational corporations and government.

Our practitioners have years of experience from having worked previously with some of Canada’s largest intellectual property law firms. As a result, Origins IP combines the expertise associated with a larger law firm with the personal approach to service that only a smaller firm can provide.


Origins IP is committed to understanding our clients’ unique needs. We offer practical services, creative strategies and effective solutions that best protect our clients’ intellectual property rights. The firm’s commitment to service is such that our assistance to clients always extends beyond each individual transaction. We are committed to serving as a primary resource in all aspects of our clients’ business growth and development.

Origins IP understands that the growing global marketplace has increased the importance and scope of intellectual property protection and management. In order to remain at the forefront of intellectual property law, we are committed to continuing education. Similarly, our practitioners serve as valued members of various local and international intellectual property associations. As such, we are well-positioned to both respond to and develop future trends in intellectual property law.

Intellectual Property Experts

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